Fort Lauderdale has some of the most beautiful weather and the most beautiful scenery ever! This morning we were up very early taking Bryan to the airport. Hopefully he got home okay. Dave talked to him about an hour ago and he was about 50 miles from home. He had a really good time down here with his sister and her family - and us! He's even planning a return trip - only this time they're all coming to Clearwater!
After we dropped Bryan off, Dave and I went shopping for gifts for the kids from us and from Maury/Roberta. These 3 little kids are almost impossible to buy for - they want for nothing and don't really want anything! The girls have never been into dolls, so you can't even get them Barbies! They also have more than enough clothes...aarrrggggghhhh! Tomorrow we're going to finish up with them, even if it kills me!!
We will pick the kids up about 4:00 again tomorrow. That'll be our last time this year...bummer! More later...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Oh my...
This was a very busy day for us! We had our appointment with the sales office at 9:00. This appointment isn't supposed to take more than 45 minutes - ha! That's a always takes a long time! Bryan picked us up at 11:20!! We decided even though it was cloudy, we wanted to eat at Shooters. This is Bryan's last day here so he wanted Key Lime pie. We got to Shooters and found out they no longer have Key Lime pie - they are under new management, have a new "fancy" chef, who fixes key lime broulee (not free) and their "free" dessert is now a brownie sundae. It was good, but nothing extraordinary...and not even "Florida-like"! Disappointment! The sun did come out while we were there, though!
By the time we got back to Jami's it was 15 minutes until I had to pick up the girls. The rest of the day was spent fixing supper and babysitting! We didn't get back here until 10:00. We have Bryan with us tonight. We'll take him to the airport at 8 in the morning for a 10:00 flight back to reality. We'll miss him - it's been a fun week!
More later...
By the time we got back to Jami's it was 15 minutes until I had to pick up the girls. The rest of the day was spent fixing supper and babysitting! We didn't get back here until 10:00. We have Bryan with us tonight. We'll take him to the airport at 8 in the morning for a 10:00 flight back to reality. We'll miss him - it's been a fun week!
More later...
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday thoughts
We had a great day today. Woke up to a cloudy sky and a nice breeze, but the clouds soon left and we were left with a beautiful, sunshine-y day!! I got to be lazy this morning. Dave went over to Jami's and left me here. He and Bryan had some honey-do's for Jami so they've been working on those. They came over to pick me up about noon. So I got to just hang out all morning!!
Here's a picture we took yesterday of the whole family. Danny was starting to get a little perturbed by the picture taking, but other than that, it's a pretty good picture! Today we picked the kids up early - the girls got to be car riders and they love that! Danny was taking a nap when Bryan and Dave got there, so he wasn't quite as happy to see us! After a little while, he got to playing Angry Birds on the IPad, which made him happier! The kids went outside and rode their bikes for a while and when Jami got home she rode with them! Kelly had soccer practice, so supper was in shifts. Since it is a school night, we came home about 8:15.
Tomorrow we go to our Wyndham update at 9:00 AM, so I've got to get up a little earlier than I like! Then back to Jami's for more honey-do's. We'll pick up the kids early again, but we'll wait a little later to get Danny so he can get his nap done before we get there! More later...
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Another beautiful day in Paradise! We went to church this morning with Dad, Roberta and Bryan. That was really nice to have family with us. The church wasn't as full as usual, but it's a holiday weekend so I'm sure some people were traveling. Tullian was there and gave a really good, thought-provoking sermon based on Ecclesiastes 12. After church we went to Jami's, took some family pictures, ate lunch and then took Dad & Roberta out to I-75 to go home. Dave and I were pooped so we came back to the condo and took naps. Then about 6:00 Jami, Bryan and the kids came over and we made our initial trip to Razzleberry's! The area of Atlantic where Razzleberry's is has changed. They've widened the sidewalks, planted palm trees, and are starting on a park across the street east of the Briney Pub. The rum raisin ice cream was still wonderful! Kelly and Danny ate all of their ice cream - Megan never eats all of hers.
Dave and I are just hanging out now, waiting for bedtime!! He's reading and I'm playing! Dad & Roberta got home safely and it was just a lovely day! More later...
Dave and I are just hanging out now, waiting for bedtime!! He's reading and I'm playing! Dad & Roberta got home safely and it was just a lovely day! More later...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Today was a fun day! Kelly played soccer this morning early and since they won, they played again this afternoon. Unfortunately, they weren't so lucky this afternoon. They got beat this afternoon 3-0. Even though they got beat, Kelly played really well and her coach told her to just keep doing what she's doing! She seems to be around the ball and can pass and dribble really well. She's also one of the top scorers but she didn't get a goal today! It was a gorgeous day to sit out at a soccer tournament! The rest of the day was spent just enjoying being with family!
Yesterday on our way here we saw something that gives new meaning to roadkill! Along the side of the road, dead, was a black bear! We went another 5 miles or so and on the other side of the road, dead, was a wild boar!! It was sure a lot different that seeing a dead raccoon or opossum like we normally see at home!
Tomorrow we're getting up to go to Coral Ridge Presbyterian to hear Pastor Tullian...anyway I hope he's in the pulpit. Every time Maury & Roberta have been with us, Tullian has been out of town. We'll pick Bryan up because he wants to go too! Then we'll eat lunch and Dad/Roberta will take off for Sarasota. We've really had a good time!
More later...
Yesterday on our way here we saw something that gives new meaning to roadkill! Along the side of the road, dead, was a black bear! We went another 5 miles or so and on the other side of the road, dead, was a wild boar!! It was sure a lot different that seeing a dead raccoon or opossum like we normally see at home!
Tomorrow we're getting up to go to Coral Ridge Presbyterian to hear Pastor Tullian...anyway I hope he's in the pulpit. Every time Maury & Roberta have been with us, Tullian has been out of town. We'll pick Bryan up because he wants to go too! Then we'll eat lunch and Dad/Roberta will take off for Sarasota. We've really had a good time!
More later...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
My computer battery is low so this may really be short!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I feel that we are truly blessed and thank God for that every day! Today was a fun day - Dave got several things done on the to-do list and this afternoon we ate Thanksgiving dinner with our new friends in the park and our old friends, Sudi & Howard!
Tomorrow we pick up Maury & Roberta and head for Jami's to see our family! Bryan got there last night so we're looking forward to seeing everyone in Ft. Lauderdale!!
More later...
Tomorrow we pick up Maury & Roberta and head for Jami's to see our family! Bryan got there last night so we're looking forward to seeing everyone in Ft. Lauderdale!!
More later...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Finally, we have internet access!! We bought a router so that we could sit in the living room and "surf" but I didn't get it set up right for some reason. I'll work on that another day!! Today we did some shopping - we bought 2 ceiling fans, mattress pad for our new bed, the router, a new kitchen faucet because the old one was leaking big time, and, of course, some tools to use to get these different things done...oh, and a bottle of whiskey so Dave can get primed!! The sun room needs all new mini-blinds, plus paint, so that'll be next!
We took Bob & Ann to the airport. Their plane was late, but at least they got out tonight...that was doubtful there for a while. I walked probably 2-3 miles today so my leg is really hurting tonight! Ann took my stitches out before we took them to the airport...that was a relief to get the stitches out. Poor knee - another trauma!!
Tomorrow we're having Thanksgiving here at the Ranch. Sudi & Howard are coming over. The Ranch is hosting the meal for $5 and it's turkey and all the trimmings!! Should be good! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We have so much to be thankful for. God's blessings are wonderful! More later...
We took Bob & Ann to the airport. Their plane was late, but at least they got out tonight...that was doubtful there for a while. I walked probably 2-3 miles today so my leg is really hurting tonight! Ann took my stitches out before we took them to the airport...that was a relief to get the stitches out. Poor knee - another trauma!!
Tomorrow we're having Thanksgiving here at the Ranch. Sudi & Howard are coming over. The Ranch is hosting the meal for $5 and it's turkey and all the trimmings!! Should be good! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We have so much to be thankful for. God's blessings are wonderful! More later...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday in Florida
We made it to Perry, Florida today! We drove thru HEAVY rain and thunderstorms all the way through Tennessee, but thank God, we made it safely. There were wrecks everywhere! We're about 3 hours from our holiday home, so tomorrow should be an easy day! We're hoping to get there, get unpacked, and then have lunch with Bob & Ann.
Weds we take Bob & Ann to the airport...I wish they were staying longer! Since we're just getting here, it would be fun to have some time with them before they leave. Thursday, we're planning to have Thanksgiving dinner with Sudi & Howard...I hope they've scoped out some place to go for dinner!
More later...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Saturday, November 19th
I'm so confused!! The Cyclones played football yesterday, which should have been Saturday because we ALWAYS play on Saturday! What a game!!! Then Dave was home all day, so I thought this was Sunday!
Tomorrow we're planning to leave for points South! That is, if I feel as well as I do now! I've not used my crutches much today and I've only taken 1 pain pill. Dave's got the car mostly loaded and we're not getting to take everything we wanted to take :( ! My having to have my leg up has caused a problem with loading the car!! Oh well, we'll make do without some things!!
More later...
Friday, November 18, 2011
Better Today!
I typed something on my blog last evening, but for some reason it didn't save it. It's in the edits page, though...hmmmm?? I hope this one goes, cause if not I'm going to have to find a new blogger!!
I feel much better today. I took a pain pill at 10:00 this morning but haven't had one since. I even took a shower! I made it up the stairs last night and down them this morning. I've had ice on my knee for quite a bit of the day and now I'm watching my Cyclones play football. We're down by 10 to the Oklahoma State cowboys - the #2 ranked team in the nation! I just hope we stay close. I feel sorry for Okie State - they had a plane go down in Arkansas killing two of their women's basketball coaches. We had that happen while I was still at Iowa State. That crash killed 2 coaches and several cross country runners, plus the pilot who was a friend of the athletic department.
Dave packed some today. We're hoping to leave Sunday morning! I'd better go now. Dave is doing play by play of the ballgame for me!! More later...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
It was sure good to get home this afternoon. I sat in the backseat with my right leg up on a pillow on the seat!! We stopped once to get gas, so I was able to get out of the car and walk around with the aid of my crutches. This evening, it's a little easier to get around without the crutches. It's good to have them - I feel a lot more confident with them than without!! Hopefully tomorrow will be even better! I'm planning to go up the steps one time tonight just before bedtime. I just took some pain pills so I'm really fading fast.
More later...
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, Monday
Another shorts day in SE Iowa! It was in the 60's again!! Beautiful!! I had church meetings today and tonight, but got home in time to watch most of DWTS! I didn't vote tonight - I had some paperwork I was doing and wanted to finish it. Now I'm heading for bed!
We'll leave for Storm Lake about 9 in the morning, so I won't get to sleep in tomorrow!! It's about a 4.5 hour drive, but we'll want to stop for lunch and my appointment with Steve is at 2:15. Hopefully Dave remembers how to get to the hospital, because I don't! I'm sure my surgery will be early Wednesday and I'm really ready to get it over with!!
More later...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday's Thoughts
Today was a great day - it was in the 60's here. We had a really strong wind blowing in from the South, though, so it got a little chilly when you stood around. I didn't wear a coat to church though, and I really didn't need one. Don went home when we took off for church. Too bad - he would have enjoyed church today! It was come-as-you-are or casual Sunday. Even Pastor David had on jeans! It was also fill the pews Sunday and we had a really good crowd! I think we had 12 or 13 little kids up front for the young disciples sermon!! Our choir sang a hard song and sang it a capella and I think we stayed on pitch!!
After church Dave and I went Christmas shopping and were able to get my nieces presents, and got the men partially done. I sure would like some ideas for my brother and sister-in-law...hint, hint, hint!!! At least we've got a good start now!!
This evening Craig & Sue came in and brought pizza. It was good to sit around with them - it'd been way too long! Tomorrow I've got Bible Reading, a massage, Evangelism meeting, and Disciples! Hope I get everything else done too! More later...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Super Saturday!
I enjoyed myself today! Dave and Don went to work at the Habitat house and I worked on cards. I also went shopping and got my secret sister's present. I'm going to try to deliver it tomorrow. If I get that done and get all of my items cut out for our stamp camp, then I'll be ready to go to Storm Lake for my surgery. When I get home I can get my packing done and then we'll be ready to go to C'water!! Although today was beautiful here - about 60 - it was in the 80's in C'water, so I'd rather be there!!
We went to the club tonight for dinner. Great food!! Then we came home and started watching "Open Range" with Kevin Costner and Annette Bening! Great movie!! Kevin Costner makes a great cowboy!!
While I was talking to Bob tonight, Linda called with updates on how Kaylee's team was doing in the national tournament. They won last night, but they ended up getting beat tonight in sudden death. It's too bad, when teams are that closely matched, that both teams can't advance!
Don just went up to bed, Dave's yawning and I'm about ready to crash too. Tomorrow's church and then an afternoon to get some things done while the race is on!! More later...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Friday Thoughts
Another beautiful day with abundant sunshine!! How lucky we are! We could have snow or at the very least, extremely cold!
Dave helped me this morning and we cleaned this entire house! He ran the vacuum cleaner and the steamer while I cleaned the bathrooms, the kitchen, and dusted the entire house! It looked pretty good until we fixed supper. Dave and Don have been imbibing a bit and now the floor needs swept again! They're in the living room talking, talking, talking!! It's hilarious! I couldn't possibly get a word in edgewise, so I'm in here blogging!! If they get quiet, I'm sure they'll be sleeping in their chairs!
Tomorrow Dave and Don are going to get up and fix eggs and bacon for breakfast and then they are going to work at the Habitat House. That should be lots of fun! Don's a designer and he thinks things should be done a certain way...whereas at Habitat, they just get things done, regardless! I'm glad I won't be there!!
I'm going to work on some SU stuff - Juliene and I need to get our P's & Q's going for next week's stamp camp. I'm hoping we're ready, but I'll find out in the morning! More later...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Pretty Day
It was another pretty day here...a little chilly, but abundant sunshine!! Can't complain about that!!
I had errands to run this morning. I got them done and then called a friend and we took off for Cantril. It was a beautiful day for a drive! I was able to get everything I wanted except for a beef roast - I didn't like the looks of theirs. I got my popcorn to take to Florida with us and, of course, some chocolate for the next few days!! Coming home, I drove Mary through Libertyville and past the house where we grew up. Then I came back to O-town through Batavia. It was just a day for a drive! For some reason the Amish kids weren't in school today...there were no boots outside on the front porch and no one inside the school. There were 3 buggy-types at the school, but no horses. I wonder why they wouldn't have school today? We only saw 1 horse/buggy on the road too...and it was driven by a young boy, probably 12-13 years old. Odd...
Tomorrow Don (Dave's twin brother) is coming from Indiana. His wife is going shopping with some of the cousins (a ladies weekend) so Don's coming here. He and Dave are going to work at the Habitat house on Saturday. Tomorrow I've got to dust and run the vacuum. I sure wish I still had my cleaning lady!! Dave is finished working at Golden Furrow (for the winter) so he will help.
I talked to Bob & Ann today. Since they're already in Florida it really made me wish I was there too. It won't be long now, hopefully! More later...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What a day!
When I woke up this 6:00 AM :( - it had been snowing. The entire ground was covered in snow and they were calling for 1-3 inches of the white stuff. Thank goodness THAT didn't happen! By noon the snow was all gone and the sun was shining! It got up to 44 degrees, but the wind was really blowing, so it was pretty cold out. I didn't have to leave the house until 7:15 tonight when I went to choir. By then the wind had laid a bit and the moon was shining brightly! It's not an official full moon until tomorrow, but it sure is gorgeous!!
I was really tired today and still am! Yesterday's long day wore me out!! I'm planning to go to bed early, but right now I'm watching the CMA's. They're exceptionally good tonight!! Carrie Underwood is going to be tired of changing clothes! I have no clue how many outfits she's had on.
Tonight I'm pondering the Penn State fiasco and the Ottumwa election results...neither of which is good! I'm glad to see that Coach Paterno is resigning because I truly believe he had to know about all of this crap. I'm sorry, though, that he had to go out this way! All of those wins and good reputation for many, many years are now out the window. Too bad... As for the Ottumwa election, I can't believe we're going to have Flanders for Mayor. He's not what I think this town needs for a leader. I'd sure like someone young and ambitious and of outstanding character to lead our city...not Frank! As for Councilmen, I'm not excited about them either. I believe our city government is just going to be a laughing stock! What a joke!
More later...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
City Election Day
I was at work this morning at 6:00 AM!! We had 489 voters and I'm really, really tired tonight! We were hoping to get 500, but we ended up 11 short. Our last voter came in at 8:00 PM sharp! It was a fun day because people came in steadily. We had times when we had about 10 people in line, waiting for us. Sometimes it's a hindrance using computers, but most of the time they're real lifesavers! Good crew today, too!
More later...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Church Day
Mondays seem to be church days for me. I always have Bible Reading Time at 10:30, and all of the commissions/committees that I'm on meet on Monday nights. So, I end up being at the church at least twice on Mondays. At least tonight I only had one commission meeting - Personnel!
We got home in time that I got to watch Dancing With The Stars. They're down to 5 couples and there's a definite division between #4 couple and #5 couple. It's Nancy Grace's turn to go home! Max and Hope did a beautiful job tonight!! So did JR & Karina. I think JR's going to win this. He's doing a great job dancing, plus he's got everyone all across America cheering for him. Ricki Lake and Derek are doing well too. Rob Kardashian isn't nearly as good as those other 3 either. So, tomorrow Nancy should go and then next week, Rob.
We had a beautiful day again today. I even had my window here by my computer open early this morning! When I came home from church at noon, I opened the sun roof on the car. You've got to be happy when it's November 7th and it's in the 60's outside!!
Tomorrow I work the polls again - so I have to be at work at 6:00 AM! More later...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday, Sunday
I am still re-living my weekend. After church I came home and went to bed. I am so tired and my knee is killing me!! I slept until 3-something. I sure hope I can sleep tonight!! I wanted to point out something in this picture. Look how short I am!! I never knew that Tony (far right) was so tall. I knew that Guy (behind me) and Tim (2nd from right) were really tall, but I'm still surprised at how short I am!!! I hadn't seen any of these 4 guys since about 1978 or so. Guy lives in Cape Girardeau, Dave (to my left) lives in Northern Iowa, Tim lives in Denver, and Tony lives in Atlanta! Soooo much fun!!

Today was a gorgeous day! In fact it's still 49 degrees outside - must have been 65 or so today! This week, however, they're calling for rain, colder temps, and possibly snow! Yuck! More later...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
What a fun weekend!!
We got back home from spending yesterday and today in Ames! We went up for the 2011 Football Letterwinners' game and reunion events. I had a blast!! We took our friend, Nan, with us so that Dave wouldn't have to just sit at the game and various events alone. As it turned out, I sat with them the entire game...most of the guys were in the same section we were. Friday night was a reception for about 3 hours, then today we had a tailgate tent and the game. It was beautiful sitting out at a game. Our seats were on the east side, so we had the sun in our faces all day...we also had a stiff wind, so my face feels windburned! We won the game - it wasn't pretty, but a win is a win!! Lots of fun!! I put about 100 pictures on my Facebook page, which seemed to take forever, but I got them done at least!
Right now I'm watch the ISU women's volleyball team play Kansas. Man, these ladies are good! They're making Kansas look horrible!
I'm exhausted; Dave's asleep in his chair! I think I'll just go to bed!! Go Clones!!
More later...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Dreary then Nice!
This morning started out really, really dreary. I had to go have blood taken for my approaching surgery and when I went to the hospital, it was raining sideways!! At least it wasn't that 4-lettered "s" word!! By noon it had stopped raining and the sun was actually turned out to be a beautiful fall day! So I went from a coat this morning to just a sweatshirt this afternoon!
Tomorrow I've got PEO and a Dr. C appointment...then we're GOING TO AMES!! I can hardly wait. This is my weekend to enjoy some of my old football players! We're taking our friend, Nan too. She loves going to Cyclone games but doesn't want to go by Dave won't have to sit alone while I'm off socializing!
More later...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Such a Change!!
Wow!! What a change in weather!! Yesterday it was in the 70's and right now it's 39 degrees, raining buckets and buckets, and the wind is really howling! Unfortunately, the "S" word is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow...hopefully, little or no accumulation! I took these pictures yesterday and am I ever glad! The leaves were falling rapidly today! These are pictures of the maple tree in our front yard. It has been simply beautiful this year...usually it loses its leaves early, but not this year! Yesterday the sun was shining on it just right - the leaves looked almost transparent. While I was out taking pictures, I took a couple of shots of the last blooms of summer/fall! The mums around town are fantastic - huge mounds of delicious color!
Isn't this next one a fantastic shot - love the way the sun is shining on the leaves!!
This little bee was just working away!!
Today was a great day to stay inside. I even made autumn stew today! I'm trying to clean out the refrigerator. If I get it all used up, Dave'll have no choice but to take me out to eat, right???
More later...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Gorgeous Day!
Today was a gorgeous day!! It was supposed to be in the 70's today and I'm sure it got there! Tomorrow, however, is another story...rain, a high in the low 50's AND possibly rain mixed with snow - yuck!! I'm glad I got outside to enjoy the day today! Poor Kaylee's soccer team plays tomorrow night in Waverly. So, you know if it's going to be that bad here, it'll be even worse in Waverly because it's so far north of here!
I was able to get our motel room and tickets for the Letterwinners' events this weekend, including the game. Right now the forecast is calling for 60 and cloudy. That won't be so bad to sit out in, although I think I heard that it's to be very windy too!
I got some of the cards we made on Sunday afternoon scanned today - I used my new scanner! It's lots faster than my old one!! This first card is one of my favorites. First of all I love this stamp set and I really like the blues she used. They are new in colors, both of them. The little round thing on the left of the card is a shake the card and the snowflakes (mica) are loose in there. Cool! All products in all of these cards are from Stampin' Up!!



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My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future. Sorry! More later...
It's been so long since I've posted... Sunday we went to Gilbert for 9:30 AM church with Cindy & Joel. Then we had lunch with...
If you weren't pulled down with gravity, you would blow away today! It was really windy and I hear it's to be very windy again tomo...
Today was another day of cleaning and finishing up last minute things before Sunday. Tonight, however, was for Aidan. He loved us singing ...