Monday, February 8, 2010

My Fall

I'm going to try to update this even though I am having to type left-handed again. Friday Dave and I went for our morning walk only this time we went over by the Marriott where the Colts were staying. We saw that the buses were about to load to take the guys to practice, so we decided to stick around and try to get a picture of Peyton Manning. Bad decision as it turns out. It started to rain so we went to a stairwell to wait....I sat down on the 4th step because the rain was hitting the first 3 steps. After a few minutes Dave went to see if he could get in to a restroom. I decided to check to see if they were boarding the buses yet. I slipped on step #3 and started to fall toward the bottom and onto my right shoulder...I must have grabbed the bannister to break my fall because my arm isn't bruised; however, in doing so I twisted my arm and back and still fell on my right hip. I was sure I'd broken my arm. When security came they suggested I get the EMTs and go to the hospital. We went that route with my rescue truck holding up the Colts' buses! Needless to say I didn't get my picture! So after 3 hours in the ER it was determined that I didn't break either my arm or myhip, but that I have a shoulder sprain, which means torn ligaments. I am in a new splint!! After all of that, I found out during the game that Larry Coyer who used to coach at Iowa State is the Defensive Coordinator for the Colts, so I probably could have gotten in w/Coach Coyer and gotten a picture!! Since that happened we haven't done much. I've got lots of back pain, shoulder pain, and I've got a bruise the size of a football on my hip- and is it ever black!!

Yesterday we went to Jupiter to see Derek DeGennaro, an ex-ISU quarterback. I haven't seen him for almost 20 years. It was good to catch up!!

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