Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yay for me!

I went out to run errands today and I didn't get lost or have to backtrack or anything - yay for me!!  I think I'm finally figuring out my way around!!  I went to KMart on Missouri, then I went to Sudi's, then I went to the Walmart on Hwy 19 and then I came home!  I covered quite a few miles and got everything I was supposed to get!  I'm proud of myself!

Dave got the baseboard all painted and put back up.  He also painted the built-in drawers...we got his side back into their slots, but mine weren't quite dry enough.  We also got the closet curtains up.  Now I need to borrow some straight pins so I can pin the hems and then sew them.  I've got a sewing machine from some sometime this weekend I've got some projects to complete!  Tomorrow Dave's going to paint the armoire and the two side tables...anyway that's his goal.  I'm going to shuffle if it's not raining!  I'm really looking forward to it. 

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...