Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pretty Thursday

Another hot summer day in SE Iowa!  At least tonight and tomorrow we've got a chance for some rain.  I hope everyone is praying for it!!  Go outside and do a little rain dance, too - it can't hurt!!  I may even wash my car tomorrow!!

Good news out of Iowa City.  HB is out of the ICU and in his own room.  Hopefully he can get to walking and get his strength back now.  After laying around in a bed for a week, he's going to be mighty weak!  He's still in our prayers.

We thought maybe we'd found a mobile home for us to buy at The Ranch...but we had a friend go into it today and they found termites on an inside wall.  Plus, our friend said it would take quite a bit of $$ to make it the way we want it.  It had lots of room in the main living area, plus 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, but the kitchen was itty bitty and would need gutted.  So that one's off our list.  Back to waiting for a 2B 2B to come available.

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...