Sunday, July 15, 2018


This weekend was a lot of fun, even though we again had a lot of rain.  We started out Saturday with a good breakfast followed by a trip to Eureka, IL to visit some shops.  Eureka is where Ronald Reagan went to college, so we also visited his museum on campus.  It was a small, but good, museum.  Many things from his time there and, of course, his later life.  Besides the presidency, the had stuff from his movie career, his radio time, his governorship of California, etc.  Nice museum!

Even though it was close to 90 degrees, we had a fire and sat around it for a while.  Plus during our indoor time, Don & Bev taught us how to play Euchre.  Dave had played before and I had played some in college.  It's a fun game and I'm glad they re-taught us!  We also played dominos and that's always fun!

After breakfast and sitting around gabbing, we all got ready to leave.  We were out of there by 1:00.  Long ride home.  The state of Illinois needs to fix their roads.  They are bumpier than a teenager's pimply face!!

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...