Friday, September 27, 2019


We both had doctor appointments this morning.  We've both got this awful cough.  Dr ordered chest xrays for us both.  Dave's portal tells his results but mine doesn't show the xray.  All of our blood work is in our portals, along with summaries.  That's a pretty cool way to get info to patients.  My eye doctor does it too.  We wanted to get our flu shots, but they were out of the high dosage serum.  I was to get a prolia shot, but they needed an order from the doctor 2 weeks ago...wouldn't have that.  I wanted to get my mammogram today, but I need to wait until October 21st or something like that - I'll be in Florida.  I wanted cough syrup, but doctor forgot to prescribe that.  I was batting 1.000 - just like our Cubs!!

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...