Monday, September 30, 2019


I'm pondering something tonight.  Why do people insist on spreading hate?  There was a post on facebook that just perpetuated hate...for Muslims, for Democrats.  "Remember 9/11" - like the Representative from Minnesota had anything to do with that...or Democrats for that matter.  Socialism was also brought up...what about farmers getting government payments for years?  Isn't that a form of socialism?   What about fire departments, police, Medicaid, Medicare???  Sad, sad, sad!  It's kind of like reading the Bible and saying that you shouldn't do this and ignoring the fact that you're doing 3-4 other things that the Old Testament tells you not to eating meat from an animal that has cloven hoofs!  Or wearing clothes made from "unclean" materials.  OK, I'm done ranting!

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...