Monday, December 22, 2014


It's sure quiet in our home tonight :(.  Jami and her family took off around 2:15 or so and went back to Ft Lauderdale.  It's very quiet in here tonight!

We had a good day.  We ate breakfast and then we all went to the clubhouse to sort out the Christmas cards and deliver them.  We have a big box in the clubhouse for people to put their Christmas cards for other residents in.  Dave volunteered us to do the sorting and delivering of all of those cards.  Let me tell you, there were tons of cards!  The box was about 4' tall and about 1' square and it was full.  It took us about an hour to sort the cards and that's with 7 of us doing it.  The kids were great helpers!  After we had them sorted, we borrowed both Betty's and Laurie's golf carts and went door to door delivering the cards.  Some people have 30-40 cards and some only had 1.  We had a good time.  One of the ladies gave Kelly a Santa hat since we were acting like Santa's elves!

After all of that, we had lunch and used up our leftovers.  Then we were able to get 3 games of Sequence in before the kids had to help pack up their stuff for the ride home.  We'll miss them, definitely!

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...