Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I was supposed to have a massage this morning, but that didn't happen!  I got there on time, but Gerrii was studying for her OT test on Monday.  She and I got to talking and the next thing you know, it was 2 hours later and we hadn't done my massage yet!  So I rescheduled for next week.  We were going over test questions and possible scenarios that could be on her test.  It was kind of fun, because I answered most of the questions correctly and I've not had any medical schooling.  She'll do just fine but it won't hurt to pray for her!

After that I came home, got us a bite to eat and helped Dave sort some paint cans out, marking the current paint colors and deciding if we'd like to use some of the paint in Florida in our new home.  Most of it will depend on what color the furniture is down there, so it's kind of hard to decide until we've at least seen it.  That'll be soon, though!

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...