Friday, December 12, 2014


I moved to Florida to get away from the cold!  It's been chilly for a week now and it's still supposed to be in the 60's thru the weekend.  I'll be ready for some warm weather!!

We got lots done today.  Dave put up new fans in both bedrooms.  Once all of the construction "stuff" got taken out of the house, I cleaned all of the floors.  I also made chili - seemed appropriate somehow!

When we took our bike ride this afternoon, I put my hood up on my hoodie.  We've got to start riding earlier - by the time we get to ride, it's usually around 5:30 and by then there's no warmth from the sun at all!

Tonight I went up to play cards and take a couple of pix of the Texas Hold'Em card players.  There were only 9 of us to play 7s, so I told them I was coming home - I wanted to watch the ISU-Iowa Men's BB Game!

More later...

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 My blog has been hacked so I am suspending blogging for the immediate future.  Sorry!  More later...